Professional Bundle 1

$3499.00* Normally: $4232.85 Save 17%

Terms and Conditions


E-learning is the online theory component of your dive course. Most online programs will take about 6-7 hours to complete.  Please make sure you leave enough time to complete the online theory, before the commencement of your dive course.

The theory MUST be completed before your course. Please note you will not be certified without this.

This online E-Learning registration fee is included in your course fee. However if you do not complete the course or require a refund for whatever reason, this fee is non-refundable.
Given this, please ensure you complete any medical, you may need before registering for the ELearning.

To register, please click here. This will take you to the SSI registration portal.

On the right you will see a LOGIN/REGISTER button underneath a heading of MYSSI. Please click this.

Here, you need to fill in your details including full name, date of birth, email, home address, language, gender and phone number (see below). 

You will also need to select your dive centre so here, please select “Australia” for country and either “NSW-> 2261  -> PRO DIVE CENTRAL COAST" or “NSW

Finally, please make sure you read the terms and conditions before, ticking the box indicating you agree with them.

Your login details will now be emailed to you. Please use these to login details to the system, to complete your registration.

You will need a digital photo of yourself- To upload to your profile (see below). This will be the photo that will appear on your digital certification card. Please note, you cannot begin the E-Learning without this photo on your profile.

ProDive Central Coast will receive notification of your registration and they will provide you with access, to the ELearning. They have to manually do this, so naturally it can only be done during office hours. If this is done during office hours and you do not receive a confirmation email from SSI within 1 hour, please give Prodive Central Coast a call.

Once your store has added you onto the ELearning database, you can use your login details, to come back to your ELearning, whenever you like.

Please note that as soon as you create your profile you will have access to the ELearning for Try a Dive, Snorkel Dive, or SCUBA Diver*. This is NOT the correct ELearning. The one you want is Open Water.

*SCUBA Diver is 50% of the Open Water course. If you do begin this, then it will credit to your Open Water ELearning, i.e. if you complete the 3 modules on it, you will have another 3 to go to complete the Open Water ELearning, rather than having to do all 6. Given this, if it is after hours and you have registered and want to begin, feel free to start the SCUBA Diver program as this will be credited when we link you the following morning to Open Water.

Please read the following.  By continuing with the Internet booking you accept the terms stated below.

In consideration of PRO DIVE permitting me to participate in scuba diving, snorkeling and any other water sport activity (including instruction in any of these activities whether in or out of the water or on any vessel) (collectively or severally referred to as 'Activities') I agree as follows.

Express acceptance of risk
1.1   I confirm that the answers I have provided in this form are true and correct and that PRO DIVE has relied on these answers in allowing me to participate in the activities.
1.2   I personally and voluntarily assume all the risk for any harm, trauma, injury or damage that I may suffer to my person or my property whether foreseen or unforeseen in connection with the activities.
1.3   I certify that I have been advised of the inherent risks associated with the activities and I voluntarily choose to participate in the activities fully accepting that such risks, should they arise, may cause injury, death or property damage and in particular I acknowledge I have been advised that:
1.3.1   Diving with compressed air involves certain risks such as decompression illness; embolism, other hyperbaric injuries and such injuries may result in death or serious incapacity.
1.3.2   The injuries of the type referred to in clause 1.3.1 may require treatment in a recompression chamber or other medical facility.
1.3.3   The activities may be conducted at a location that is remote either in time and/or distance from a medical facility.
1.3.4   Scuba diving and snorkeling are physically demanding activities that may cause personal injury, trauma, or death.
1.3.5   Scuba diving involves the use of equipment that may malfunction giving rise to the risk of injury, trauma, or death.
1.3.6   Snorkeling and scuba diving may involve exposure to the elements such as, storms, wind, tide and naturally occurring events, as well as harmful marine life.

Release discharge & indemnity
2.1   I unconditionally release and discharge PRO DIVE from all liabilities, claims and causes of action that may occur from any act, omission, default, failure or error on the part of PRO DIVE(including any negligent act, omission, default, failure or error) occurring wholly or partially during the course of the activities.

3.1   I agree to indemnify and keep indemnified PRO DIVE from any liability, claim or cause of action that may be brought against PRO DIVE as a result of or in connection with any act, omission, default, failure or error on the part of PRO DIVE as a result of or in connection with any act, omission, default, failure or error on the part of PRO DIVE (Including any negligent act, omission, default, failure or error on the part of PRO DIVE occurring wholly or partially during the course of the activities).
3.2   I agree that PRO DIVE will not be liable for and waive any right to claim any loss or damage, personal injury, death, economic loss or consequential loss whether in tort, in contract, under statute or otherwise, for any default, failure, negligence or error on the part of PRO DIVE.
3.3   If despite these terms, it is found that PRO DIVE is liable to compensate me then such liability is limited to the cost of providing the services in respect of which the liability arises.

Parent Guardian undertaking
4.1   Where this form is signed by the parent or guardian of a minor (being a person under the age of 18 years), then the parent or guardian warrants that the information contained in this form is true and correct and personally covenants in the terms of this waiver, release and indemnity.

Statement of understanding
5.1   I acknowledge that I have read and understood the matters set out in the above document.
5.2   I acknowledge that the conditions set out in this document are contractual in nature, are intended to have legal effect and are not merely a warning or recital.
5.3   I have agreed to this document of my own free will and without representation or inducement by PRO DIVE; it's agents or employees.

Substance Abuse
6.1  I acknowledge that Alcohol and/or drugs prescription or otherwise are likely to have an impact on diver safety. I understand that it is my responsibility to inform PRO DIVE staff where I have consumed either prior to diving. PRO DIVE reserve the right to refuse to take diving any individual considered to be impaired and therefore at risk - no refunds will be applicable.

Booking/Cancellation Terms and Conditions
All customers of PRO DIVE participating in diving-based activities must complete this form.  Signing this form represents confirmation of booking, acceptance of terms and conditions and when booking on the Internet also represents confirmation of booking.  No refunds are payable by PRO DIVE where notification is received less than 7 days prior to the booked event.  Alternative dates will be offered where a minimum of 3 days notification is given prior to booked event.  Where PRO DIVE cancels events, full refunds or alternatives will be offered. No refunds apply where customers fail to arrive by the published start/departure times for courses/trips. All 'make up' dives to complete diver training will incur an $100 fee per session over and above course cost. 

I have understood and accept these terms and conditions.  All the information provided is true to the best of my knowledge.

Name:____________________________ Date:________________________


*All Prices are Per Person and Prices may vary depending on Start Dates and options.

More Information

Meeting Points Price Terms and Conditions Dates & Availability